2021 – Current : Associate Professor (Tenured), Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea
2018 – 2021 : Assistant Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea
2015 – 2018 : Assistant Professor, University of North Alabama, Alabama, USA
2013 - 2015 : Research Professor, Physical Education Laboratory of Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea
2010 - 2012 : Graduate Teaching Associate, The Ohio State University, Ohio, USA
2009 - 2012 : The Ohio State University, Doctor of Philosophy, Sport Management
2007 - 2009 : Michigan State University, Master of Science, Sport Psychology
1998 - 2006 : Seoul National University, Bachelor of Science, Physical Education & Psychology (Minor)
주요논문 및 저서
Cho, H., Chian, L., Koh, K., & Lee, Y. (accepted). Development and validation of an attitude measure in open water activities. Leisure Sciences. [SSCI]
Lee, Y., Park, Y., Kim, H. (in press). the effects of accumulated short bouts of mobile-based physical activity programs on depression, perceived stress, and negative affectivity among college students in South Korea: Quasi-experimental study. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion. [SSCI]
Lee, Y., Kim, H., Hwang, J., & Noh, S. (2024). Effectiveness of mobile-based progressive and fixed physical activity on depression, stress, anxiety, and quality of life outcomes among adults in South Korea: Randomized controlled trial. JMIR mHealth and uHeltah, 12, e55578. [SCIE]
Lee, Y., Weisheng, Chiu, Hwang, J., & Noh, S. (2024). Mobile-based mindfulness meditation intervention's impact on mental health among young male judo athletes in South Korea: A quasi-experimental study. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 12691. [SCIE]
Lee, Y., & Cho, H. (2024). The relationships among trait mindfulness, obsessive passion, and emotions in high school sport managers. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching. 17479541241247790. [SSCI]
Lee, Y., Shin, W., & Cho, H. (2023). Factors influencing the intentions of people with disabilities to participate in e-sports: An application of the theory of planned behavior. International Journal of Sports Sciences and Coaching, 19(3), 1153-1163. [SSCI]
Lee, Y. (2023). Understanding emotional labor dyanmics in participant sport service: A conceptual framework. Behavioral Sciences, 13(9), 771. [SSCI]
Cho, H., & Lee, Y. (2023). Enhancing university students' academic self-efficacy: the roles of leisure experience, nostaligia, and positive emotions. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 1-15. [SSCI]
Kim, H., Lee, K., Lee, Y., Park, Y., Park, Y., Yu, Y., Park, J., Noh, S. (2023). The effectiveness of a mobile-based physical activity program for treating depression, stress, psychological well-being, and quality of life among adults: Quantitative Study. JMIR mHealth uHealth, 11:e46286. [SCI(E)]
Lee, Y., & Cho, H. (2023). The moderating role of coping strategies in athletic coaches' psychological well-being in response to negative emotions. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching. 17479541231153488. [SSCI]
Lee, Y., Kim, H., & Cho, H. (2022). The effectiveness of physical activity interventions on depression in Korea: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Healthcare, 10(10), 1886. [SSCI]
Lee, Y., & Hwang, S. (2022). Emotional labor, rapport, and word of mouth in fitness organizations. Sustainability, 14(16), 9968. [SSCI]
Cho, H., & Lee, Y. (2022). Understanding sport coaches' turnover intention and well-being: An environmental psychology approach. Psychology & Health, 37(3), 375-396. [SSCI]
Lee, Y., Kim, H., & Park, Y. (2022). Development of a conceptual model of occupational stress for athletic directors in sport contexts. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1), 516. [SSCI]
Washburn, N., Simonton, K., Richards, K.A.R., & Lee, Y. (2022). Examining role stress, emotional intelligence, emotional exhaustion, and affective commitment among secondary physical educators.Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 41(4), 669-679. [SSCI]
You, J., Yeo, S., Choi, Y., Lee, Y., & Kwon, M. (2021). Nature and challenges of sports job training during the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics: LIstening to the lived experiences of sports managers. Sport in Society, 24(12), 2120-2138. [SSCI]
Lee, Y., Richards, K.A.R., & Washburn, N. (2021). Mindfulness, resilience, emotional exhaustion, and turnover intention in secondary physical education teaching. European Review of Applied Psychology, 71(6), 100625. [SSCI]
Cho, H., Kim, S., & Lee, Y. (2021). Sport coaches' positive emotions, task performance, and well-being: The mediating role of work satisfaction. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 16(6), 1247-1258. [SSCI]
Lee, Y., & Cho, H. (2021). The roles of different types of passion in emotional exhaustion and turnover intention among athletic coaches. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching. 16(3), 51-61. [SSCI]
Won, N., & Lee, Y. (2021). Emotional labor, affective commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and work effort among sport instructors. Korean Leisure Science Journal, 4, 39-50.
Woo, B., & Lee, Y. (2020). Understanding the motives of high-risk leisure participants: A case of Mt. Everest mountaineers. Research in Dance and Physical Education, 4(3), 51-61.
Lee, Y., Richards, K.A.R., & Washburn, N. (2020). Emotional intelligence, job satisfaction, emotional exhaustion, and subjective well-being in high school athletic directors. Psychological Reports, 123(6), 2419-2440. [SSCI]
Lee, Y., & Woo, B. (2020). Mentoring relationship in sports and its applicability to positive youth development context: A literature review and recommendation. Research in Dance and Physical Education, 4(2), 53-73.
Richards, K.A.R., Washburn, N., & Lee, Y. (2019). Understanding emotional labor in relation to phsical educators' perceived organizational support, affective commitment, and job satisfaction. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 39(2), 236-246. [SSCI]
Lee, Y. (2020). The role of mindfulness and occupational stress in the goal orientations of development and winning. Sport Management Review, 23(4), 626-639. [SSCI]
Lee, Y., Kwon, H.H., Richards, K.A.R. (2019). Emotional intelligence, unpleasant emotions, emotional exhaustion, and job satisfaction in physical education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 38(3), 262-270. [SSCI]
Lee, Y. (2019). Emotional intelligence, servant leadership, and development goal orientation in sport leadership. Sport Management Review, 22, 395-406. [SSCI]
Lee, Y. (2019). Emotional labor, teacher burnout, and turnover intention in high-school physical education teaching. European Physical Education Review, 25, 236-253. [SSCI]
Lee, Y., Chelladurai, P., & Kang, C. (2018). Emotional labor in the dual role of teaching and coaching. Psychological Reports, 121, 951-973. [SSCI]
Lee, Y., Woo, B., & Kim, Y. (2018). Transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior in coaching: Mediating role of affective commitment. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 13(3), 373-382. [SSCI]
Lee, Y., & Chelladurai, P. (2018). Emotional intelligence, emotional labor, coach burnout, job satisfaction, and turnover intention in sport leadership. European Sport Management Quarterly, 18, 393-412. [SSCI]
Lee, Y., & Woo, B. (2017). Emotional labor, emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior among Korean fitness employees. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education, and Recreation, Volume 39(2), 137-148. [SSCI]
Lee, Y., Hwang, S., & Choi, Y. (2017). Relationship between coaching behavior and social responsibility. Social Behavior and Personality, Volume 45(8), 1385-1396. [SSCI]
Woo, B., Lang, S., & Lee, Y. (2017). Age, gender, perceived social support, and organizational commitment in fitness organizations. Asian Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, Volume 5(1), 1-14.
Lee, Y., & Woo, B. (2017). Emotional intelligence, emotional labor, and emotional exhaustion among Korean fitness employees. Journal of Global Sport Management, 2, 65-78. ][SCOPUS]
Littrel, H., & Lee, Y. (2016). Emotional intelligence and autonomy-supportive interpersonal style in coaching: A review of literature. Asian Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, Volume 4, 1-17.
Lee, Y., Jin, Y., & Jun, S. (2016). The effect of physical education program on the development of emotional intelligence among preschoolers. Korean Journal of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women, Volume 30(3), 121-137.
Oh, H., & Lee, Y. (2016). The role of self-efficacy on the relationships between motivation of choosing a teaching profession and subjective happiness among youth sports instructors. Korean Journal of Sport Psychology, Volume 27(3), 71-84.
Jefferies, J., Coates, T., Lee, Y. (2016). Organizational culture research in sport organizations. Asian Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, Volume 4(1), 47-64.
Woo, B., Fulmer, W., Lee, Y. (2016). Perceived support and organizational commitment. Asian Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, Volume 4(1), 37-46.
Lee, Y., & Chelladurai, P. (2016). Affectivity, emotional labor, emotional exhaustion, and emotional intelligence in coaching, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, Volume 28(2), 170-184. [SSCI]
Lee, Y., Kwon, H., & Oh, H. (2016). Emotional labour in teaching secondary physical education. International Journal of Kinesiology and Sports Science, Volume 4(2), 1-10.
Lee, Y., Chelladurai, P., & Kim, Y. (2015). Emotional labor in coaching sports: Development of a model, International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, Volume 10(2), 561-575. [SSCI]
Foster, K., Kang, C., & Lee, Y. (2015). Designing a physical education program for the underserved children, Asian Journal of Physical Education and Sports Science, Volume 3(2), 1-15.
Shremshock, P., Hall, M., & Lee, Y. (2015). Exploring the nature of emotional labor in sport setting, Asian Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, Volume 3(2), 57-63.
Lee, Y., Jung, M., & Jun, S. (2015). Perceptions and demands on physical education programs in after-school care of elementary schools among employed mother, Korean Journal of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women, Volume 29(2), 313-327.
Lee, Y., & Jun, S. (2015). Analysis of working condition and job satisfaction among early childhood physical education teachers. The Korean Journal of Sport Science, Volume 24, 547-560.
Lee, Y., &, Kwon, M. (2015). Exploring the perception, problems, vitalizing procedures related to physical education programs in after-school care of elementary schools, Korean Journal of Elementary Physical Education, Volume 21(1), 1-16.
Lee, Y., & Jun, S. (2014). The effects of organizational justice on job satisfaction among secondary physical education teachers, The Korean Journal of Sports Science, Volume 23(3), 921-934.
Lee, Y., Kwon, M., & Jun, S. (2014). Exploring secondary school physical education teacher’s work environment and workload in Korea, Korean Journal of Sport Pedagogy, Volume 21, 47-65.
Lee, Y., Jun, S., & Jun, H. (2014). The effect of emotional labor on emotional exhaustion and turnover intention among early childhood sports instructors, The Korean Journal of Sports Science, Volume 23(2), 625-643.
Kim, K., Lee, Y., & Kim, Y. (2014). Audience perceptions of the joint broadcasting of the 2012 London Olympic Game by the Three Major Terrestial Broadcasting Stations in Korea, Korean Journal of Broadcasting and Telecommunication Studies, Volume 28(1), 43-88.
연구 용역 경력
1. Lee, Y., & Hwang, J*. (2023). A mobile-based physical activity program and its impacts on positive and negative mental health outcomes. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Korean Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.
2. Lee, Y. (2023). Understanding trait mindfulness and its associations with obsessive passion, and positive, neutral, and negative emotions in high school sport managers. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Asian Conference for Kinesiology, Japan.
3. Lee, Y., Kim, H., Noh, S*., & Hwang, J*. (2023). Effectiveness of progressive and fixed mobile-based physical activity on depression, stress, anxiety, and quality of life outcomes among adults in South Korea. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Asian Conference for Kinesiology, Japan.
4. Lee, Y., &., Shin, W., & Cho, H. (2023). The role of attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control in e-sports participation intentions among people with disabilities. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Asian Association for Sport Management, Malaysia.
5. Kim, H., Lee, Y., & Park, Y. (2023). Effectiveness of mobile phone-based physical activity on depression, stress, anxiety, and quality of life outcomes among adults in South Korea. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Asian Association for Sport Management, Thailand.
6. Kim, N., Park, S., & Lee, Y. (2021). Developing Korea National Sport System through Youth Sport Participation. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Asian Association for Sport Management, Thailand.
7. Park, S., Kim, N., & Lee, Y. (2021). Relationship between coaching behaviors, athlete satisfaction, and turnover intention in South Korea. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Asian Association for Sport Management, Thailand.
8. Lee, Y., Richards, K.A.R., & Washburn, N. (accepted but cancelled). Mindfulness, resilience, emotional exhaustion, and turnover intention among physical education teachers. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, California.
9. Conkle, K., Lee, Y., & Woo, B. (2019). Autonomy-supportive coaching style, needs satisfaction, and athlete satisfaction: A meta-analysis. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the World Association for Sport Management 2019, Santiago de Chile.
10. Lee, Y., & Woo, B. (2019). A conceptual model of occupational stress in sport leadership: A case of athletic directors. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the North American Society for Sport Management 2019, New Orleans, Louisiana.
11. Lee, Y., Park, S., & Woo, B. (2019). Perceived emotional labor, member satisfaction, and member loyalty intention in fitness organizations. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the North American Society for Sport Management 2019, New Orleans, Louisiana.
12. Kang, C., Lee, Y., Bennett, G., & Welty Peachey, J. (2018). Five dimensions of sport brand personality. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the North American Society for Sport Management 2018, Tampa, Florida.
13. Lee, Y., Chelladurai, P., & Kang, C. (2017). Emotional labor in sport services: A case of teaching and coaching. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Asian Association for Sport Management, Yong Pyong, Korea.
14. Lee, Y., & Kwon, H. (2017). Emotional process and consequences in high-school coaching. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the Asian Association for Sport Management, Yong Pyong, Korea.
15. Lee, Y., Woo, B., & Kim, Y. (2017). Transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior: Mediating role of affective commitment. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the North American Society for Sport Management 2017, Denver, Colorado.
16. Lee, Y., Chelladurai, P., & Kang, C. (2017). Emotional display requirements and emotional labor strategies in teaching and coaching. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the North American Society for Sport Management 2017, Denver, Colorado
17. Lee, Y., Chelladuari, P., & Cha, E. (2017). Emotional abilities and their impacts on personal well-being among high-school athletic coaches. Paper presented at the 29th International Sport Science Congress: In commemoration of the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, Cheonan, Korea.
18. Lee, Y., Chelladurai, P., & Jin, Y. (2017). Emotional conflict derived by the dual role of teaching and coaching. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Korean Association for Sport Pedagogy, Seoul, Korea.
19. Lee, Y., & Kwon, M. (2017). Emotional labor, teacher turnover, and turnover intention in high-school physical education teaching. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Korean Association for Sport Pedagogy, Seoul, Korea.
20. Lee, Y., Chelladurai, P., & Woo, B. (2017). Emotional intelligence, internal emotional regulation, and consequences in coaching. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of V Congreso ALGEDE 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
21. Kang, C., & Lee, Y. (2016). Five dimensions of sport brand personality, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for Sport Management, Orlando, Florida.
22. Lee, Y., Woo, B., & Kwon, H.H. (2016). The predictability of emotional labor on emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction among physical education teachers. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Sport Management Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
23. Lee, Y., Kim, B., & Jun, S.H. (2015). Investigating the relationship among emotional intelligence, emotional labor, and job satisfaction in NCAA Division I coaches. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Asian Association for Sport Management, Malaysia.
24. Lee, Y. (2015). The effects of physical education on emotional intelligence development among preschoolers. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the 11th Asian Society of Physical Education of Young Children Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
25. Lee, Y., & Kwon, M.J. (2015). Investigating secondary school physical education teacher’s working condition. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Korean Association for Sport Pedagogy, Buyeo, Korea.
26. Jung, M.Y., & Lee, Y. (2015). The effects of physical education on fundamental motor skill development in Kindergarten. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Korean Association of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women, Seoul, Korea.
27. Lee, Y. (2014). The effects of coaching behavior in high school on college students’ social responsibility. Paper presented at the 10th Asian Youth Sport Conference & 2014 UNESCO Chair International Conference, Jeju Island, Korea.
28. Lee, Y. (2014). Organizational climates and behavior on physical education in Singapore and Korea. Paper presented at Symposium in Asian Conference for Physical Education & Sports Science, Singapore.
29. Lee, Y., & Chelladurai, P. (2012). Antecedents and consequences of emotional labor in coaching. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the North American Society for Sport Management, Seattle.
30. Lee, Y., & Chelladurai, P. (2011). A model of emotional labor in coaching sports. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the North American Society for Sport Management, Ontario, Canada.
31. Lee, Y., & Chelladurai, P. (2011). A model of emotional labor in coaching sports. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the College of Education and Human Ecology Student Research Forum.