2007 - Present Professor, Division of International Sport & Leisure, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Yongin, Korea
2013 - Present Outside Director, Suwon Football Club in Korea
2008 - Present Chair, Division of International Sport & Leisure, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Yongin, Korea
2007 Senior Research Fellow, Sport Science Research Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
2002 Coordinator of 2002 FIFA World Cup Soccer Korea/Japan Special Event, Suwon, Korea
2001 Coordinator of 2001 FIFA Confederations Cup Korea/Japan Special Event, Suwon, Korea
1998-1999 Marketing Manager, The Root Education Academy, Inc, Daegoo, Korea
1995-1997 Military Service, ChongJu, Korea
주요논문 및 저서
Kim, N. S., Min, Y., & Lee, G. B. (2015). Using Sport for Preventing Violence and Game Addiction. Journal of Korean Society of Sport Policy, 13(2), 113-126.
Kim, N. S. (2013). Development and Evaluation of Sport-related Adolescent violence Intervention. The Korea Journal of Sports Science, 22(2), 1255-1271.
Lee, K. B., Kim, H. W., Cheong, J., & Kim, N. S. (2013). Development of Handball Multi-element Performance Test for Male Middle School Students, The Korean Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education and Sport Science, 15(1), 21-30.
Kim, N. S. (2013). Sport and Leisure Intervention Program Development and Evaluation with the Application of Lipsey’s Treatment Theory. The Korean Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education and Sport Science, 15(1), 67-79.
Kim, N. S. (2012). Athlete violence prevention: Using intervention mapping to develop athlete violence prevention program. ICHPER SD Asia Journal of Research, 4(2), 45-60.
Kim, N. S. (2012). Why does ethnic community seek sport? cultural adaptation process: General route and route through sport. ICHPER SD Asia Journal of Research, 4(1), 1-8.
Kim, N. S., & Min, Y. (2009). The impact of digital media uses., interpersonal communication, and sport-related activities upon early adolescents’ anti-social behavior, studies on Korean youth, 20(4), 159-18.
Kim, N. S. (2009). Conceptual framework, theories, and strategies for sport development. ICHPER SD Asia Journal of Research, 1(1), 51-58.
Kim, K. U., Kim, N. S., & Park, I. H. (2009). The application of sport development model for the Korean track and field. The Korea Journal of Sports Science, 18(2), 33-44.
Park, I. H., Lee, K. B., Kim, N. S., Lee, W. H., Lee, M. J., & Lee, S. U. (2009). The domains of physical activity for Korean youths and adults. The Korean Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education and Sport Science, 11(2), 33-44.
Kim, N. S. (2008). At-risk youth’s media uses and sport activities as risk factors. The Korea Journal of Sports Science, 17(4), 831-845.
Kim, N. S. (2006). Critical policy analysis of athletes and drugs: Empowering before sanctioning. Journal of Korean Society of Sport Policy, 8, 41-53.
Kim, N. S., & Chalip, L. (2004). Why travel to the FIFA World Cup? Effects of motives, background, interest, and constraints. Tourism Management, 25, 695-707.
Kim, N. S. (2015, December). Elite sport development strategy: Application of systems view & sport development model. Paper presented at the International Work Shop of the Convergent Research Society Among Humanities, Sociology, Science, and Technology, Jeju, Korea.
Kim, N. S., Min., Young., & Kim, Kyungun. (2014, September). Using Sport for Preventing Violence and Internet Addiction. Paper presented at the conference of the European Association of Sport Management, Coventry: England.
Min., Y., & Kim, N. S. (2014, September). Understanding Online Games Through the U.S. and South Korean News Coverage. Paper presented at the conference of the European Association of Sport Management, Coventry: England.
Kim, N. S., Lee, G., & Park, I. (2012, November). Use of Sport as Tool of Social Intervention: Effects of Sport-related Youth Violence Prevention Program. Paper will be presented at the conference of the Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand. Sydney: Australia.
Kim, N. S., & Lee, G. (2011, September). Program Theory of Sport-Related Intervention for Preventing Internet Addiction. Paper presented at the conference of the European Association of Sport Management, Madrid: Spain.
Kim, N. S., & Min, Young. (2008, July). At-risk youth’s media uses and sport activities as risk factors. Paper presented at the conference of the International Association of Media and Communication, Stockholm: Sweden.
Kim, N. S. (2008, May). Program Theory of Sport-Related Intervention: A Multiple Case Study of Sport-Related Youth Violence Prevention Programs. Paper presented at the conference of the North American Society for Sport Management, Toronto: Canada.
Kim, N. S., Kang, J. H., In, S., Lee, J. S., & Kim, K. U. (2008, May). Application of Sport Development Model and the Intervention Mapping for Analyzing and Solving Problems of Korean Track & Field, Toronto: Canada.
Kim, N. S., Lee, H., & Seo, W. J. (2007, May). Integrating a new culture: Does sport participation affect Korean immigrants’ acculturation into the US culture?. Paper presented at the conference of the North American Society for Sport Management, Miami: FL.
Seo, W. J., Lee, S., & Kim, N. S. (2007, May). Does American and Korean sport media consumption help Korean immigrants’ acculturation into the US culture? Paper presented at the conference of the North American Society for Sport Management, Miami: FL.
Kim, N. S. (2006, June). Program theory of athlete violence intervention program with application of Intervention Mapping. Paper presented at the conference of the North American Society for Sport Management conference, Kansas City: MI.
Kim, N. S. (2005, May). A conceptual framework for sport development with application of Hierarchical Linear Model. Paper presented at the conference of the North American Society for Sport Management, Regina: Canada.
Kim, N. S. (2004, June). The impact of mega-sport event on the level of sport development: A longitudinal qualitative content analysis. Paper presented at the conference of the North American Society for Sport Management, Atlanta: GA.
Kim, N. S. (2004, May). Effects of a sport event experience and gender on motives and intentions to visit: A three-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Paper presented at the conference of the North American Society for Sport Management, Atlanta: GA.